farmOS translation (i18n)

Hi @paul121, highly appreciate the detailed instructions you’ve provided!!! I will give it a try and definitely will share my experience.


Welcome @stevezmn! Glad to hear you’re looking into translating 2.x!

I understand FarmOS 2 does not have multi-language support yet and this is listed as a blocker item for the beta release.

It sounds like you found this issue:

As @paul121 described, technically farmOS 2.x does already support translations - simply because the underlying foundation it is built upon (Drupal 9) supports translations already.

So for our purposes, that issue is actually mostly a documentation issue. It would be great if you could share the steps that you go through in your explorations so that we can put that towards completing the documentation piece!

That said, of course there are two sides to “translations”:

  1. Enabling translations in Drupal so that the interface is displayed in other languages, and:
  2. Providing translations for strings that need them.

Documenting how to enable translations is what we need to do for that 2.x issue linked above, but the larger ongoing initiative is for the community to contribute string translations in various languages.

Ideally the documentation we write for will have two sections to focus on both sides of that - for those who just want to enable existing translations, and for those who want to take part in the translation process and contribute back.

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Thank you all for your inputs! Highly appreciated. We had some early success and are doing some additional testing. We plan to share the steps we’ve taken with screenshots soon.