Field Kit Login Issue

Hello all! I recently installed farmOS on my own web hosting, so I’m new to it but it’s going well so far. However, attempting to log in to the field kit at with my domain and farmOS user credentials I get a 500 error and it won’t log in. Any help would be appreciated!

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Hi @Geeksteader! Welcome to the farmOS forum! :slight_smile: :wave:

I get a 500 error and it won’t log in

500 errors are usually accompanied by some kind of PHP error in the server logs. You might find a useful clue there.

the field kit at

Please note that Field Kit is in “alpha” status. This might give a better sense of where things stand:

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Thanks! Based on the server logs I was able to resolve that error (I needed to configure and generate the OAuth keys), but now I have a 400 error, with the log saying user credentials are incorrect, even though it’s the same credentials I sign into farmOS with.

I also tried using the JavaScript API with the default API consumer and got the same error with the authorize function, so I must not have something configured right. :man_shrugging:

As far as the alpha status, I guess I was mostly intending to sign in to see what it looked like and how stable it is, not to use regularly necessarily, but maybe I’d be better holding off on that in case there’s a risk of data corruption.
Are there any major known issues it has right now? Or mostly just unimplemented or partially implemented features?

I’m not proficient in JS or backend web technologies (though I can generally learn quickly), but I may consider contributing to farmOS or the Field Kit in the future if I can find the time.

Hmm I wonder if this is related/helpful at all?

That fix was merged last year, though, so probably not exactly the same issue. But maybe related.

Just to be sure: did you enable the farm_fieldkit module (for Field Kit connection) and the farm_api_default_consumer module (for raw API use)? These both depend on the simple_oauth_password_grant module, which adds the ability to use password grants.

See the link I posted above to @jgaehring’s update for more details on where things stand.