Field Kit Status Update

I finally had a chance to triage some of the issues that have accrued since last year and then pick up the thread of what needs to be done going forward. The image/file stuff is still sooooo close to being done but just figuring out a few lingering issues, then it’s just a matter of giving the Observations module a basic UI for adding images to observation logs. That should complete the alpha.9 release. After that, the remaining tasks for the beta release are mostly housekeeping, with the 2 most critical tasks being Documentation of the Field Modules API and testing a staging deployment.

This is a very rough estimate, but somewhere around $10-15k for 4-6 weeks of full-time work to get it to the beta release, where it should be stable enough for people to start using it, with the acknowledgement there may still be a few bugs.

I created a LettuceMeet poll with my ideal times, for anyone who’s inerested. I’ve got a bit more flexibility, so if those times just don’t work for you, @brunocacao, just let me know what works best for you.