Field Kit Status Update

Needless to say, i am as interested as ever (tho it’s been years already since last time) in testing this as soon as it comes avail.


I will also be so interested in bleeding edge testing. As you know @jgaehring from our discussions last year, I’m about to start my field measurement season and will happily use this. I don’t want to do FarmOS on a Raspberry Pi in a backpack again this year if I can help it. :wink:


Ay, sorry I keep dropping the ball on this, @Guillermo, @walt and @mikefarms, but I have another week ahead to dedicate to this finally and hope to get the Observations module completed, like I promised way back at the beginning of the year.

Right now it’s just hard to dedicate the necessary time while we’re not getting much funding towards this work at the moment.


Hi @jgaehring and all. Best wishes for 2024!
Any update regarding the Field Kit? Is there now a working version for FarmOS sessions hosted on Farmier?
Thx and regards


Hi @brunocacao! Thanks for checking in. I’m going to re-assess next week and post an update. Still hard to find time to dedicate, but it might be worth exploring some funding options to get this restarted. :money_with_wings:

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Hi @jgaehring
Apologies for the delay in getting back to you.
Do you have an estimate of the funding that would require, to see if/how we could crowdfund?
And what timeline we would be talking about?

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Hi @brunocacao, no worries, I’m juggling a lot myself, too! :sweat_smile:

Let me refresh myself on what needs work and get back to you. It’s not a lot, a matter of weeks not months, but I want to make sure I’m not overlooking anything since it’s been a lil while. Happy to schedule something to chat in realtime, too, if it’s easier to discuss that way.

Appreciate the interest! I really want to see this baby take flight! :bird:

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Sure, let’s organise a talk together and anybody else interested!
Let me know how and when you want/ could to do that


I finally had a chance to triage some of the issues that have accrued since last year and then pick up the thread of what needs to be done going forward. The image/file stuff is still sooooo close to being done but just figuring out a few lingering issues, then it’s just a matter of giving the Observations module a basic UI for adding images to observation logs. That should complete the alpha.9 release. After that, the remaining tasks for the beta release are mostly housekeeping, with the 2 most critical tasks being Documentation of the Field Modules API and testing a staging deployment.

This is a very rough estimate, but somewhere around $10-15k for 4-6 weeks of full-time work to get it to the beta release, where it should be stable enough for people to start using it, with the acknowledgement there may still be a few bugs.

I created a LettuceMeet poll with my ideal times, for anyone who’s inerested. I’ve got a bit more flexibility, so if those times just don’t work for you, @brunocacao, just let me know what works best for you.