New user questions

Hi there,

I have just started using Farm OS and have a couple of questions to get started.

Firstly, is there a way to display areas of each ‘field’ all at once on the main farm map? We are a turf farm with many small intensively managed paddocks. It would be helpful to be able to easily see the Ha of each paddock to help with mixing spray tanks etc, Instead of clicking into each field and summing.

Secondly, I have not been able to sync any logs created on desktop to field kit on my phone, however they sync fine to my desktop when created on my phone. Is there a way to see logs created in my desktop on my phone? Thanks.

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Hi @Jos - welcome to the farmOS community! :slight_smile:

It would be helpful to be able to easily see the Ha of each paddock …, Instead of clicking into each field and summing.

That would be a useful feature! Not available right now, but not too difficult to achieve, perhaps.

I wonder if the “Metrics” information on the dashboard helps at all? One of the metrics included is “Field area” which is a sum of all areas that are of type “field”. Does that give you what you need?

I have not been able to sync any logs created on desktop to field kit on my phone

Field Kit will only “pull” logs that are a) not “done” and b) assigned to you. The “My logs” app is designed as a sort of “todo” list app, which is why it works like this. Confirm that the logs you want to pull meet those criteria - I bet that’s why they aren’t coming over, but let us know if there’s a bug!

Hope that helps!

Hi @mstenta,

Thanks heaps for this, pointed me in the right track! I found that clicking in the areas from the main Map show individual area metrics which is very helpful, and yep, when the logs meet that criteria they are pulled down.

Getting my way around and working very well.

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Glad to hear it @Jos! Feel free to post more questions as they come up!

Hi mate, many months in now. Working quite well.

Wondering if there is a way to sum a total area from different locations when creating an input?

We do many sprays a year, and spray different fields within each input. It would be very helpful to see a total area measurement after selecting the fields and/or geometric areas the input applies to in the locations tab when creating the input. This would allow us to easily get the right amount of chemical etc. As it stands, I need to sum my areas manually for each spray.

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Hi @Jos - I was actually thinking about this myself recently (same need for different reasons). There isn’t a way in farmOS currently - but I’d love to see something like this, perhaps in a few different places. But to start, perhaps just showing a simple “Total area” calculation on the log would be a good first step.

If I remember correctly, our current “area calculation” logic only works for simple polygons - not for “multi polygons” which is what get saved on logs that reference multiple areas. So we’d need to expand on that a bit too.

(And realistically this would need to be a feature request for farmOS 2.x, since we aren’t doing much in the 1.x branch anymore.)

Anyone want to take the lead on something like this? :smiley: