Mapping locations | farmOS. shows snapping grid.
Is there a setting in the browser that needs to be turned on?
Is there a Base layer that needs to be selected?
I have tried Safari, Chrome, Vivaldi on Mac and IOS. Edge and chrome on Windows.
Below is as screen shot with the “#” selected in the bottom left corner but no grid
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Trying to quickly create raised garden beds all 4x4, any additional suggesting on hosted instance would be welcome as well.
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When you say “hosted instance” you mean on Farmier right?
I just tested on (which I believe is similarly hosted) and was able to get the snapping grid to appear in both Chrome (version 98) and Firefox (version 125).
Sorry if this is obvious from the GIF in the docs but, you’re clicking the little “#” button, then clicking two more times before expecting to see the grid right? (The first click sets the “origin” point and the second click sets the rotation of the grid.)
Another troubleshooting step would be for you to try activating the grid in a well known place like New York City, USA and see if it shows up there. It is unlikely but theoretically possible that there could be a bug in the math to create the snapping grid that only affects some specific part of the world.
Thank you for the information.
For the record: the snapping grid needs to be activated prior to selecting polygon. That was the error in my usage.
I will follow up with any additional questions or issues.
This thread helped me get started with the snapping grid but led to another problem for me.
I set the dimensions to 1 foot x 1 foot but the grid does not reflect the updated dimensions. I make a polygon with the four closest dots and get a polygon with 6 sq ft - should be 1 sq ft. The grid also does not render visually as square - the x dimension appears approx 2x the y dimension even though both set to 1 foot.
I wrote the above paragraph then went back to the map and the dimensions had rescaled and I got a 1x1 grid and made a 1 ft sq polygon. I may have toggled between full and no-full screen for the map - not sure. So I deleted all the beds I had made without the grid tool and tried again. Same problems with the grid not being at the correct scale regardless if I move between full and not full screen and when I zoom.
Any suggestions on what I’m doing wrong?
You’re probably not doing anything wrong.
The snapping grid makes some compromises when it comes to accuracy/performance that I suppose aren’t intuitive. The problem is that you can put in any numbers for the size of the grid and the grid has to be redrawn on the fly when you scroll/zoom/rotate/etc. If the size of the grid spacing is small the number of points would become astronomical very quickly.
Instead of drawing huge numbers of points, the snapping grid begins interpolating, limiting itself to a maximum of 64x64 points. See the following gif which might make that behavior more obvious:

To make sure you’re drawing at the actual specified grid size, zoom in until the spacing between the grid points gets larger (consistent with your zooming). Or use a larger grid size that reflects what you’re drawing better. e.g. if you’re drawing 4’x20’ beds, maybe use a 4’x4’ grid.
Let me know if that helps. Happy to provide more guidance. Also there’s probably ways we can make the functionality more clear in the future - let us know if you have ideas about that. 
Thanks! Choosing the grid size with the 64 x 64 max in mind was very helpful. I ended up with your suggested 4 x 20 grid as our beds are on 4’ centers and 200’ long.
As I mentioned, the 64 x 64 idea helped me understand the limitations of the tool and gave me some concrete guidance on how to choose my grid size. So maybe including that idea in documentation about the grid would be helpful to other new users.