Easier to just port the asset type.
With that and a bit of head-scratching about why the inventory migration wasn’t happening, I got it working;
su www-data -s /bin/bash <<'EOF'
- composer config repositories.farmos_dev_modules '{"type": "path", "url": "/farmos_dev_modules/farmos_seed_asset"}'
+ composer config repositories.farmos_dev_modules '{"type": "path", "url": "/farmos_dev_modules/*"}'
composer require symbioquine/farmos_seed_asset @dev
drush --root=/opt/drupal pm-enable farmos_seed_asset
+ composer require symbioquine/farmos_money_asset @dev
+ drush --root=/opt/drupal pm-enable farmos_money_asset
drush --root=/opt/drupal pm-enable --yes farm_group
+ drush --root=/opt/drupal pm-enable --yes farm_inventory
drush --root=/opt/drupal pm-enable --yes farm_migrate
drush --root=/opt/drupal migrate:import --group=farm_migrate_config
- './php-custom.ini:/usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/php-custom.ini'
- '../../farmOS_seed_asset/farmos_seed_asset:/farmos_dev_modules/farmos_seed_asset'
- '../../farmOS_seed_asset/composer.json:/farmos_dev_modules/farmos_seed_asset/composer.json'
+ - '../../farmOS_money_asset/farmos_money_asset:/farmos_dev_modules/farmos_money_asset'
+ - '../../farmOS_money_asset/composer.json:/farmos_dev_modules/farmos_money_asset/composer.json'
- './sites/default/files:/opt/farmOS_1x_files:ro'
The farm_migrate_inventory
and farm_migrate_log_activity
then were able to complete successfully.
2669/2669 [============================] 100% [notice] Processed 2669 items (2669 created, 0 updated, 0 failed, 0 ignored) - done with 'farm_migrate_inventory'
463/463 [============================] 100% [notice] Processed 463 items (463 created, 0 updated, 0 failed, 0 ignored) - done with 'farm_migrate_quantity_standard'
+ drush --root=/opt/drupal migrate:import --group=farm_migrate_log
468/468 [============================] 100% [notice] Processed 468 items (468 created, 0 updated, 0 failed, 0 ignored) - done with 'farm_migrate_log_activity'
Further, some new stuff is now pretty much working;
- Inventory quantities - including those for our custom asset types (though not with the right units yet)
- Group membership
And to summarize my current status;
- Almost all data migrated - now including inventory and group membership
- Need to look into scripting some sort of parity mechanism to validate what data is missing
- Need to expand seed asset fields and the associated migration logic
- Need to port some additional manual site customization and custom tools into 2.x modules
- Need to look into a few observed quirks;
- Seed asset migration 2459 vs 2460 count discrepancy - Symbioquine's 2.x Migration Testing Log - #23 by Symbioquine
- Figure out how to change inventory units for migration of custom asset types (ref: #farmOS:matrix.org discussion)
- It would be nice to change all uploaded files to be private as part of the migration