UI improvements - condensing space

Yes - I hope to revisit this too. I agree we probably just need to work in a toggle, not a big complex feature, but just specific to the ID column.

Glad you mentioned this… I was actually going to propose the opposite, that we condense almost all of these “select” filters… :slight_smile: The expanded filters exist so that you can select multiple values and eg: see all logs that are done OR pending. This might make more sense for log category vs log status. But I wonder how often people use this, and if it would be an overall improvement to make them all single select dropdowns so they take up less space.

But I had not considered the amount of clicks, I think you are correct. But IMO I might prioritize the condensed UI over number of clicks. Although on mobile the multi-select may actually be confusing/require more clicks: Log Category defaults - setting or avoiding them

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