Adding new logs

I repeat myself here to tag this comment as a “feature request”.

Logging activity etc:
I would prefere to have files and images sections minimized. I find all the possible things to add to a log a bit confusing. It would help minimizing things not used every time. Maybe keep it minimized as standard, and have a :pushpin: , to pin it in open state if needed.

Selecting Pending/Done, would also be easier if it was a togglebutton. Now there is unnecessary clicks, and mouse movement needed to change value.

There is also a lot of space available on the right side…
How about moving status to the same line as timestamp

Flags and Assigned to could also be shown side by side.
It would reduce scrolling a lot.


Hi Pat
Agree with you that the Logs can be a bit confusing for farm collaborators that are not used to them, and not spo much into that kind of logic.
So I do believe also that it would indeed be very useful to be able to pin sections that are key for the specific type of Log considered: it would keep the full flexibility while directing collaborators to the data that is most important for that particular type of Log (waiting for adequate Quick-forms to be available)