Existing tools for drawing geometries in bulk?

Hey everyone, while working on this project for Regen Digital we have identified that an important part of their workflow will include drawing land assets in bulk. I’m curious if anyone knows of any existing tools or apps that might help in this process. For example, if there is a website that has a decent UI + map for drawing and naming multiple geometries that can then be exported in either KML or GeoJSON format to then import into farmOS.

I’m also aware of the land drawing tool by @Symbioquine which might be a great fit, just curious if that is something we can consider production ready? (I should really try installing it… also @Symbioquine do you by chance have an updated gif of how this works?)

Another consideration here is that it could be useful for the farmer to draw their geometries before ever being introduced to the farmOS instance so an external tool would still be useful.


I’d love for some folks to start using it and provide feedback! I haven’t really touched it in several months, but as far as I know it should work fine. The feature set is pretty simple at the moment so hopefully there isn’t too much to break since I last tested it… :slight_smile:


This might be a useful tool for handling GPX data: https://www.gpsvisualizer.com/

Hi Paul, ESRI may be work for you.

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