FarmOS Logs through Voice Bots

Hello All,

I am Amol Patil, founder of Extend Future. We build AI driven experience and help companies to make data-driven decision.

Recently through @mstenta, I got to know about FarmOS. Great to see fantastic collaboration, R&D in Agritech.

Understanding real need for capturing daily farmer’s routine through a simplest interface, we have created a small demo - FarmOS Bot based on FarmOS fields where one can answer a series of questions with voice (or even from option selection) on Google assistant to quickly record routine of a day. Experience can be easily replicated on FB messenger or even Alexa. Answers will be integrated with your FarmOS instance.

We would like to get your feedback on this experience, would it be useful for community?

We are also brainstorming voice notes, where voice log records will be analyzed by AI using NLP and FarmOS logs will be generated.

Thank you!


Hello Amol this is great! Nice work. This would be very handy for farmers and many other aspects on the farm in the field hands free.
Do you have a url to a git repo or willing to share the code with the community?
This would be a great addition and most helpful! Id love to try it personally as we could really benefit from something like this at our farm.


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Hey Shan,
Glad you liked it. Used Dialogflow here, backend is not integrated with FarmOS yet. There is no source code, only dialogflow agent with specific intents. Let me know if you need further details, happy to help with integration.

Best Regards!


Hi @amol, Thank you for being open and sharing how you put this together! Really helpful.
Been checking it out and really seems like a fun project to dig in and get to know more. I can definitely see the value in this tool.
It would be great to learn from you what you feel is best use approach and work w you on any simple ideas for this, if you have the time and interest. Really curious how you see this connect and interact with farmOS.

Im sure the local community would greatly appreciate it and farmOS will benefit alot from this. In my view it seems the best use scenario is that this script can be added/embedded as a feature on the farmOS client field kit initially. or a vox version of the Field kit down the road? More for the mobile access out in the field type of application.

Again i really appreciate you sharing this and your effort and interest in seeing a great tool be developed. Looking forward to learn more!
Thank you!