farmOS_wfs Dev Log

This topic will serve as a place to announce releases and ongoing development progress for farmOS_wfs.


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farmOS_wfs provides a WFS module for farmOS. This makes FarmOS areas accessible as a Web Feature Service (WFS) which can be used in GIS software such as Quantum GIS (QGIS).

Some previous discussion and release announcements can be found on this topic.

Also feel free to ask short questions here which don’t need their own topic or Github issue.


I’ve now released a 2.x-v0.0.1 version of farmOS_wfs for farmOS 2.x. This release is especially cool in a couple ways;

  • In addition to supporting similar functionality as the 7.x-1.x-v0.1.1 release, it also exposes all assets via WFS, not just the “areas”
  • The asset types and fields are dynamically discovered from the farmOS schema so new asset types like BeeColony or Forest assets should also work out of the box
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I’ve now released a 2.x-v0.1.1 version of farmOS_wfs for farmOS 2.x. This release includes the following changes;

  • Leverage the Drupal field constraint API to validate all fields upon creating/updating assets
  • Add bounding boxes to the feature type listing in the GetCapabilities response
  • Make bad requests yield reasonable HTTP status codes 400/401 instead of just always returning 200/500
  • Exposed the asset status field
  • Fixed handling of the asset archived timestamp field
  • Various improvements to tests and documentation
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I’ve now released a 2.x-v1.2.1 version of farmOS_wfs for farmOS 2.x. This release includes the following changes;

  • Support for installation via drupal/ composer repository; composer require drupal/farmos_wfs && drush en farmos_wfs
  • Support for taxonomy reference fields such as plant_type, season, and animal_type - these are not hard-coded so it should also work for arbitrary taxonomy reference fields like fungi_type
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I’ve now released a 2.x-v1.2.3 version of farmOS_wfs for farmOS 2.x. This release includes the following changes;

  • Fixes for compatibility with latest farmOS 2.x beta 7 release

I’ve now released a v2.0.1 version of farmOS_wfs for farmOS 3.x. This release includes the following changes;

  • Declare compatibility with farmOS 3.x