Template for Monthly Call agenda
For easier copy/paste into a new topic:
# farmOS Monthly Call, XX Month 202X
_Ongoing notes may be kept in the comments. For general information about these monthly calls see [farmos.org/community/monthly-call](https://farmos.org/community/monthly-call/)._
[date=2023-05-10 time=14:00:00 format="LLLL" timezone="America/New_York"]
`farmos.org/community/monthly-call/join` - [Call Link](https://farmos.org/community/monthly-call/join)
## Agenda
1. Community Q&A, Show & Tell, etc [5-10min]
2. ...
3. Create new wiki topic for next month from [template](https://farmos.discourse.group/t/farmos-community-calls/972/3).
## Attendees
- ...